Legal Warning

Effective as of Sunday, 5 November 2023 strongly urges you to carefully consider the legal warnings outlined on this page before utilizing the services of the website. By logging into the site and initiating the use of our services, you implicitly agree to all the terms presented below:

User Responsibilities: As a user, you bear personal responsibility for all the content you share, notifications, and comments on the website. In the event of legal issues that may arise, will not be held accountable for user actions.

You, as a user, assume all responsibility for the use of external links and the consumption of the provided free content. It is your sole responsibility to conduct necessary checks, such as virus scans. does not provide any warranties for the software or software providers included on the platform. In the event of material or moral damages resulting from the use of specific software, no claims can be made against our website.

All privacy terms outlined in the Privacy Policy page are applicable to users visiting and utilizing this website. reserves the right to charge for the free services it offers or to remove them from publication without prior notice.

By visiting our website, every user is considered to have accepted all the rules contained in this agreement. We notify users that this legal notice and contract will be formally presented through our lawyers in any cases filed on our behalf.